1st October 2006
Mr and Mrs Wedding Ring
c/o Mr Luke and Mrs Fran Mundy
Dear Sir or Madam,
What an exciting day the twelfth of August was! We were delighted that so many came to show their support. The ceremony was incredibly special and it was such fun meeting all the family and friends afterwards.
That wonderful occasion marked the start of a new chapter for us. The build up to the wedding had been such hustle and bustle what with plans that had to be made, people coming and going and us trying to steady our nerves ready for the big advventure that lay ahead. All that and not to mention Mrs Ring going on and on about whether or not she looked beautiful enough for the day in spite of my continual reassurances that all would be just fine.
And then how quickly the big day flew by! We’d better not mention the night because it would be inappropriate, but let me tell you, it was quite something! Then, before we knew it we were off on honeymoon which we soon found out was to be a fabulous adventure. There was a bit of packing to do, comprising two mountain bikes, one large suitcase into which the wardrobe was hastily emptied and one small, neatly packed affair.
Twenty five minutes to get from Bristol to Folkestone was a tall order even for Master so we didn’t actually get the train to France till the following day. We’d never been to France or Germany before, but to be honest we didn’t see much of them except about four hundred miles of motorway and a lot of grumpy looking folk in toll booths who only let you pass upon production of a suitable plastic card.
Things got a lot more exciting when we realised we’d arrived at the Swiss border. Now for those of you who don’t know, we were born in Switzerland earlier this year after a young gentleman placed an order for a very special trio of rings at a little jeweller in Zurich. We were whisked off special delivery from the goldsmith to the jeweller and on to England as ‘somebody was getting a trifle impatient for a diamond on her finger’. Why that snooty little engagement ring couldn’t have gone ahead without us I’m not sure.
We briefly met this young gentleman at the jeweller who inspected us very closely with a magnifying glass and finally handed over the plastic in exchange for being allowed to take us away with him. He was a rather scruffy looking fellow, shirt hanging out, hair in a mess and I wondered what role he had to play in our future. Little did we know that he would soon be known to us as Master. Next thing we knew, we were under close inspection once again, this time by customs officials in England, whereupon our custodian begrudgingly handed over the plastic once again in order to secure our further passage. Apologies, I digress! So, here we were home in Switzerland again!
The honeymoon was a blur of champagne breakfasts, alpine views, and a good deal of complaining from Master when on his bike that he ‘didn’t do uphill’. These complaints were invariably followed by a gratifying hell for leather descent of some rocky mountain path and back to the chalet for chocolate and more champagne. Master was later to concede that all the hard work was worth it when Mistress took a grand second place on the women’s sport podium of the National Point Mountain Bike Series.
Two weeks on and we were moving in to our new home in Bristol just across the road from the flat where we had spent the last seven months in some dark crevice of Masters desk (regularly to be removed by Mistress when Master wasn’t around so she could try Mrs Ring on for size, again). Our new home was a fair bit bigger and needed a whole lot of work doing on it. Master got told off for spending too much time waving hammers and drills about so it still does need a lot of work for that matter, but we’re getting there.
One evening soon after our return, I helped Master load up the car with a huge pile of presents from his Aunties cottage and I wondered who on earth they could all be for. When we got back to Bristol, Mistress was terribly excited but decided that the wedding presents, as they had turned out to be, should be rationed to ‘a few each evening’. And oh what fun was had for the next week as we all sat amongst piles of wrapping paper and cards and the most wonderful presents you could possibly imagine. There was champagne, picture frames and all sorts of lovely things for the kitchen. Then there were towels, gift vouchers, games and to many more to mention. What a lucky pair Master and Mistress are!
Then along came the photos in the post but Master kept forgetting to bring his laptop computer home so they couldn’t be inspected for some while. Mistress soon saw to it that the laptop was returned and how splendid the pictures turned out to be! You can see for yourselves since we have included a copy of all the pictures which you can play from your DVD player or computer.
Well, you must surely be tired of hearing from us, but we want to thank you all very very much for your kind words, the cards you sent, the contributions you made and the help you gave, the wonderful presents and most importantly, for your presence in the lives of our Master and Mistress. We know that they will be delighted to have you for tea in their new home in Bristol once the house has taken a little more order.
Until then, may God bless you, and don’t forget that, as is inscribed on our insides, ‘His banner over you is love’
Mr (and Mrs) Ring
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